Get a Free Overview of Your Brand’s Trust and Stubbornness Positioning

Most of you know about the BrandSpark Most Trusted Credential. What you may not know is that we have greatly expanded the data we capture in relation to trust – and also what we call “shopper stubbornness” – in order to help brands better understand, solidify and improve their trust positioning. And it’s not only for winners – we capture detailed data on all brands capturing significant trust share (typically +5%) in each of the 150 categories included in the study.

As an introduction to this new research available, we are offering to any brand with significant trust share in those 150 categories a free topline report of your trust and stubbornness. What you will learn is:

  • Where does my category fall in the BrandSpark Trust & Stubbornness Framework? (See figure 1. or to learn more about what this means visit our first blog post on the subject)
  • How does your shopper stubbornness compare to competitors? (a metric focused on willingness of those that trust your brand to switch to alternatives)
  • How are the trust/ stubbornness dynamics different between Canada and the U.S?(available for the vast majority of categories)

For those interested in even more, there is also a full research report available that centers around the underlying drivers of the current trust & stubbornness positioning, and the best focus areas to strategically improve trust positioning for your brand.

To get your free topline report, find out if one is available for your brand/ category, or to inquire about the full report, please contact us at

Figure 1. BrandSpark Shopper Trust & Stubbornness Framework: Canada

The BrandSpark Shopper Trust & Stubbornness Framework